
Mesut Günes, Felix Juraschek, Bastian Blywis, Olaf Watteroth,
DES-CRIPT - A Domain Specific Language for Network Experiment Descriptions,
In: Inproceedings of the International Conference on Next Generation Wireless Systems (NGWS) 2009, 12-14, October 2009.

Abstract: This paper introduces DES-Cript, a domain specific language to define and describe networking experiments which can be executed on a testbed. DES-Cript aims at simplifying the execution of experiments by using a comprehensible and straight-forward design scheme and therefore assuring the repeatability of experiments. By laying out a clear logical structure, DES-Cript provides the user with the possibility to only focus on the crucial matter of experiments. A DES-Cript file serves as the input file for a software tool, which executes the experiment automatically, thus being able to use a reliable timing for all specified actions. DES-Cript is developed for the DES-Testbed at the Freie Universität Berlin, but is not limited to this particular testbed. It is designed as a general approach for experiment descriptions, useful for simulation environments as well as for other testbed networks.


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